Case studies

Together with Swisscom AG., the design and dev team developed a new business model, moving away from a digital phone book to a booking platform where all SMEs, from hairdressers to craftsmen, can be searched and booked.


Sector: Telecommunications.

Team: Approx. 20 people based in Zurich and Berlin | Team of 3 Experience designers.

Role: UX Researcher | UX / Experience Designer. 

Methods: Benchmarking, concept testing, Unmoderated and moderated usability testing, and Interviews.

Participants: Around 30. Amongst them, current users of the website, potential new users, and business owners. 

Timeline: Sep. 2019–Sep. 2021.


  1. SMEs struggled to update their profiles, post updates, and engage with their customers due to a time-consuming and non-intuitive interface.
  2. End users mainly visited the site to search for spam telephone numbers, signifying a disconnect between the platform’s offerings and their actual needs.
  3. The site wasn’t visually attractive for users. It was time to be bold and update the technology behind it, too.


SME owners reported increased ease of use and reduced time spent managing their profiles, resulting in higher engagement and satisfaction.

Business discoverability improved, leading to a significant increase in the visibility and success of local SMEs on the platform.

The platform’s modernized user interface improved user retention and engagement, and end users found it easier to navigate.

The dedicated spam number search feature streamlined the process for those seeking this specific service, enhancing the user experience for this segment.